It was sneaky of my body to assemble a blot clot in my right lung with material from my right calf when, all these years, I was told to worry about about cancer or car accidents. I've injecting myself in a roll of flab pinched up on my stomach. Twice a day with these precision-made, throw-away syringes for the past month or so. Its a shame to throw them away. Not to worry about anyone else getting stuck since a plastic guard flings out with the sound of a switchblade when you finish injecting. Every so often, they test my blood hoping the INR number will climb to between 2 and 3. Today the French lab sent me a letter with the magic numeral 2.5 on it. I emailed Dr. Vallois over in Prayssac and he said, stop the injections!
So now I have about 8 of these syringes left in my drawer. In Vermont, they cost $60 each; here in France, 8€ or about $10. I guess I'll save them to use as a prophylactic on the next plane ride.
I took a tryout bike ride already, during a hour or two when it wasn't raining, trying out the bike and my lungs. Both seem to work fine.