Here's what the Lot looked like as I took a walk with Marie-Jeanne and Kiki along the old railway line. Transportation archaeology: in some places, you can see:
Chemin St Roch, the old pre-Roman road that used to connect Lyon on the Rhine with Bordeaux on the Atlantic;
The abandonned railway bed that ran from west of Fumel, I think, to Decazeville, and, closest to the river, under floodwater in many places today, the tow path. The river captain who used to live in our house rolled his wine barrels down these slopes onto barges bound for Bordeaux and England.

This is where the Le Vert, also roiling, comes into the Lot. Le Vert runs from up between the hills from Castelfranc, La Bastide du Vert, Rostassac, and eventually Catus.