Thursday, February 10, 2011

more murders, 2

Today a man was condemned to thirty years in prison for having taken a contract out on his wife.   I wonder if they went through the whole process of determining the structure of the man's personality.   His two accomplices got long sentences too.

I came across a DailyMotion site with a 6 episode program on the trial in an attempted murder.   It really gives you the thinking behind so much of what seemed exotic to me, such as the great attention paid to the life story of the accused and his pyschological makeup.  This particular presiding judge, a very charming woman,  gave the jurors the option of visiting a prison to see what they were going to possibly subject the defendant to.  The defendant, a serious alcoholic, had already spent 4 years of pre-trial detention in a jail.  I'm half way through the program and can't wait to see the rest tonight.  It is in French but the judge in particular is very easy to follow.  The defendant has such a strong regional accent and such bad teeth that they subtitle most of what he says.  

Cour d'assises, crimes et châtiments - 3/6
envoyé par max29490. - L'info internationale vidéo.

(link to Daily Motion trial program)