Sunday, April 26, 2009

terrasse, continued

The breaking of the glass
Next step is pulling out the old wire-reinforced glass.  Surprise, surprise:  it was double-glazed all along.  It came out without much effort.  Then I used the big grinder with a metal cutting blade to cut the frame down into managable pieces which I hauled off to Mas Moury in nearby Pescadoires.  All the guys over there have odd little ironic smiles.  The old man, André, owns the place and quite a lot of Pescadoires to boot.  The guy in the office is a civil engineer who used to do big steelworking contracts in foreign countries.  He gave me a whole euro for the metal and I bought another sheet of plywood and some more rebar:  Mrs Snoutsworthy decided the terrasse needed to be widened by the width of one window frame.  

The cutting of the groove

Next step is chopping a channel into the the far (railway embankment) wall to support the other end of the slab.  I ventured out with the gas powered grinder machine at 10 am on a Sunday and fired through the layout groove.  

A bit dusty...

I started on the channelling with a small jackhammer but soon found myself on the way to Robert's house to get the next bigger one.

Next step:  cleaning out the groove,  dropping the window, forming the end.